Friday, April 30, 2010

My Iron Man 2 Review.....

"Iron Man II" was absolutely awesome from start to finish. I really wanna go back and see it again in the next couple of weeks. This filmed just worked in so many different levels. From Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) and Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) discussing The Avengers project further to Rhodey finally getting is own Iron Man suit and basically pimping the shit out of it with all the big guns. Amazing! The film begins at the point where Tony Stark is telling the press that he is Iron Man, only it's being watched by The Russian, Ivan Vanko (Mickey Rourke) aka Whiplash, who's taking care of his dying father, Anton Vanko. His father dies and Vanko feels that he needs to avenge his father by building his very own arc reactor. After the opening credits, the movie jumps to six months later, where the goverment basically want to take his armor away from him. But Tony doesn't let that happen. They think that his armor is dangerous and if in the hands of the wrong person, could also be very dangerous. They could use it and become unstoppable. So Tony walks away thinking that he is the only person that can build an arc reactor and an armor to go with it.
While all this is all happening, Ivan Vanko, who wants revenge for his fathers death because he thinks that his father was robbed by Tony's Dad, Howard Stark, who once worked with his Ivan's father on the arc reactor back in the 60's, is traveling to Monace, where Tony is racing. Shit! And he has a full on arc reactor and armor to go with it, ready and waiting for him to put it on and kick Tony's Iron Man ass when he get's to Monaco. So while racing, Vanko walks onto the race track and basically rakes havoc and tares up the race cars with his whips. He then get's to Tony, who then puts on his new Mark 5 suit, which is the brief-case suit. This is an amazing suit. So cool how it opens up. So they have the big showdown on the track which ends with Vanko getting taken down by Iron Man and the police arresting him.
Vanko is then broken out of jail by Tony Stark's competitor in the weapons world, Justin Hammer (Sam Rockwell). Hammer thinks that he can use Vanko's experties for his very own type of Iron Man armored project, which has failed tragically in the past. Vanko rebuilds all of Hammer's suits and makes them run on computer-controlled machines, rather than have people in them.
Whilst this is happening, Tony Stark's arc reator is slowly killing him, as he discovered palladium in it that was poisoning his body. So because of this, Tony appoints Pepper Pots (Gwyenth Paltrow) as the new CEO of Stark Industries, replacing her with Natalie Rushman (Scarlett Johansson) who is actually an undercover S.H.I.E.L.D agent, Black Widow, who's working for Nick Fury. Fury gives Tony a medicane that can keep him living longer and gives him old artifact's from Howard Stark (Tony's dad) to help him make a new triangular arc reactor that is stronger and will keep him alive. When this is all happening, Rhodey took the Mark 2 suit and got Hammer to pimp it up with some big guns to use for amry use. The War-Machine suit is excellent.
That's all I'm really gonna tell yah about the film's plot. It's not much, but a really don't wanna give too much away for those who are gonna go and see it. Seriously watch it. OH! Also, watch out for a parts of Captain America and Thor. Not telling what parts show up, just watch very closely to see what parts they are.
Overall I'd give this film 10 out of 10. I really couldn't find anything wrong with this sequel, it was perfect. I can easily say that I'm really looking forward to "Iron Man III" and the next few Marvel Comic film's, leading up to "The Avengers" movie.

BATMAN 3 Release Date........

Yes! "Batman 3" finally gets it's release date, July 20th 2012. The release date for the 3rd Batman film is just over 2 weeks after the Spider-man reboot, which has a July 3rd 2012 release date.

Tommy Lee Jones Eying Up Captain America Role?

Is Tommy Lee Jones going for a role in the upcoming, "The First Avenger: Captain America"? Maybe. No one knows which role he's going for, but he may be up for the part of General Chester Phillips, who recruits Steve Rogers and trains him in the Super Soldier program, which makes him Captain America. Sounds pretty cool. He should totally go for that role if he's heading for the film anyway. Let's just hope that this role doesn't make him miss out on his role in, "Men In Black III".

G.I. JOE 2 Coming In 2012?

"G.I. JOE: Rise Of Cobra" Producer, Lorenzo Di Bonaventura announced that shooting for the sequel will begin in Spring 2011 for a Summer 2012 release. He also announced that he is thinking about filming some 3D action scenes for the film. He's not given too much away, even with the cast, so no one knows wether the cast of the first film will return.

THOR: The First Look At Him........

When Chris Hemsworth was first announced to be playing "Thor" in the Kenneth Branagh film adaption, I thought, "Oh God! He's too young". By the looks of this first picture of him as "Thor", he actaully looks pretty damn good as him. I'm now really looking forward to the film coming out.

"Thor" is due for release on May 20th 2011.

New Shrek 4 International Poster

Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Man Of Steel Flies Again At Christmas 2012?

Warner Brothers and Legendary Pictures are planning for a Christmas 2012 release for the next big Superman reboot film.
DC have also discussed more plans for the "Justice League" film. And apparently the new Superman film is on top of the list for WB's 20 picture deal with IMAX, so this means that, "Superman 3.0: The Man Of Steel" is possibly coming in whopping 3D. Not really bothered about that, all I wanna know is who is gonna star as The Man Of Steel himself.
All we know so far is the director (Jonah Nolan), the godfather of the film (Christopher Nolan), the writer (David Goyer) and what villain's they plan to have in the film (Lex Luthor and Brainiac).

The Jonah Hex Trailer Is Here!

Just finished watching the first "Jonah Hex" trailer and i can safely say that it is amazing looking and if your a comic book fan then your gonna love it, even if your not a fan of the actual "Jonah Hex" comics. Here's the link to the HD trailer on YouTube:

This Screen-Shot Creeps Me The Hell Out!

This is the scariest fucking thing that I've seen in ages, and it's only a picture.....well, screen-shot. The above pic is a screen-shot taken from the upcoming "Elm Street" remake/reboot. Now the past couple of pictures have been quite cool and scary looking, but this shot is what I call, "Shit-You're-Pants-Scary". He just looks so sinister and sadistic. Look at his skin. YUCK!
This screen-shot just creeps me out and makes me so much more excited about the film finally coming to the UK like next friday. WOOHOO!
Some critics have had an advanced screening of the film and have all gave it a great review so far. That sounds so-far-so-good. They especially praised Jackie Earle Haley for his portrail as Freddy. They all said that he is so much better. No funny, stupid stuff, just down right gritty and nasty and scary. They also said that the film is on of the bloodiest remakes they've ever seen and that it's also very disturbing. That's good. Can't wait..........

The Full Cast Of The Smurfs Movie

Katy Perry, Hank Azaria, George Lopez, and Alan Cumming are Daily Show’s John Oliver, playing Vanity Smurf; Saturday Night Live‘s Kenan Thompson and Fred Armisen as Greedy Smurf and Brainy Smurf, respectively; The Office’s B.J. Novak as Baker Smurf; and comedian Jeff Foxworthy as Handy Smurf. They join Pee-wee Herman himself, Paul Reubens, who, as previously reported by, will play Jokey Smurf. Also lending their voices to the little blue creatures are Wolfgang Puck — playing none other than Chef Smurf — and veteran character actor Gary Basaraba as Hefty Smurf. Star Trek’s Anton Yelchin will voice Clumsy Smurf. And Neil Patrick Harris will be playing the live-action character in the movie.

"The Smurfs Movie" is due for release on August 3rd 2011.

Someone's Took A Big Dip In The Pond.....

Now, either Rory (Amy's Boyfriend) or The Doctor has had a dip in the pond. And not just any pond, but Amy Pond. Yes, episode 7 of the new series, titled, "Amy's Choice", sees the new sexy companion, Amy Pond pregnant. But no one yet knows who the daddy is.
As the picture above shows, it seems that Amy is pissed off and fed up with both The Doctor and Rory.
No more info has been released, so I take it we'll have to wait for the episode to come on air on May 15th to find out who the daddy really is...........

SCRE4M Teaser Poster! New Decade. New Rules.

Here it is people. The first official teaser poster for the upcoming horror sequel, "SCRE4M". Sweet ass poster. It's not all that fancy, but it is pretty cool still. Look the fact that it's just the killer's ghost-face mask.

"SCRE4M" is due for release on 15th April 2011.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Danny Dyer For Bond Campain......

Actor and all out bad boy, Danny Dyer has came up with a way to save the now on hold James Bond franchise. He's offering to play the iconic spy for a very cheap fee in the next film. Sounds alright, well, the cheap fee part anyway. Dyer said this in his weekly Zoo Magazine article.
He also had this to add to it, "It's a shame, because I really love the Bond films - but getting me in would help them right out - I'd do it for £200 a week." Very cheap, but I really don't think that he would make a great Bond. I think that the only Bond related thing he'll ever do will be if he get's the part as a villain in future Bond films or even if he was in a Bond spoof film, where the parody Bond is a cockney secret-agent or something. He also said this, "There's a Facebook campaign for me to be the next 007 and I'm f***ing thrilled about it. That's a mad idea, but I think I could pull it out of the bag." I've joined this campain for a laugh, because it is though. He's only having fun with. It's not real. Here's the link to the Facebook page of the campain:
And finally he said this, "You don't need £60m to make a film; most of mine are made for under one million. As long as you've got your star man and the right people around him, that's all that matters. F*** the CGI b******s - go back to the old school. Keep campaigning, lads - I won't let the side down."
Now I'm gonna end this hillarious post by saying that Danny Dyer will "Dyer Another Day"..........

Iron Man 3 Possibly After The Avengers?

Iron Man actor, Robert Downey Jr told MTV-Movie News that there plans for an "Iron Man III", but he thinks that the producers at Marvel Studios wanna make "The Avengers" first to make sure it gets it's 2012 release date. Not the worst news in the world. Would be good if we got a third film before "The Avengers", so that at the end of part 3, it could possibly end with the start of "The Avengers" film. Pretty cool. But by the sounds of it "Iron Man III" will possibly be out by either 2013 or 2014. It's only 3/4 years away. The length could possibly make it the ultimate film. It's told that it will be the final film in the trilogy, not saying that the franchise wont go on after that. Robert Downey Jr did state that if the script is good, then he'll put the the suit back on even if it's like "Iron Man 5 or 6". Sweeeeeet!

Transporter: The TV Show?

There's talk saying that Producer Luc Besson, producer of the "Transporter Trilogy", wants to bring the franchise onto the small-screen for a TV series reboot.
It has not been announced yet wether actor Jason Statham from the big-screen trilogy will return or not. But if the producer is, then the actor may as well, even for a cameo, if the series is gonna have a new character. He could be like the "Obi Wan Kanobi to Anakin & Luke Skywalker". It could kinda work for him if a was like a mentor. No one knows who's to star in the series, if Statham doesn't return for the series.
"Transporter: The Series' is to have a budget of $4 million per episode, reasonable enough budget for each episode and it's to be 12 episodes long for the first season. So let's hope it's good enough to get at least 3 seasons. A mean that seems enough for a spin-off. Possibly more than that.
This could end up being a failed TV spin-off like various other spin-offs, such as, "Robocop", "Total Recall" and the latest being Blade: The Series". Here's hoping it's not among them.

The Anchorman Sequel To Begin Shooting Next Year?

Thank God! There may be a final starting date for the filming of "Anchorman 2" to begin shooting. "Anchorman" director, Adam McKay has pitched "Anchorman 2" to Paramount Pictures and he said that he may begin filming next February.
Now, Will Ferrel has been saying for quite a while now that the sequel has been put on hold. The sequel has been on and off hold for like the last few years, basically since the success of the first film back in 2004, so that's about six years now it's been on and off for.
But right now he has said that it is still in early stages and that he may not get the go-ahead for the sequel. Paramount would be crazy not to go-ahead with this, because the first was amazing and a box-office and financial success. So there!
The cast of the sequel have even all agreed to a pay-cut, just so that they can make this film. Now that's what you call dedication. They wanna make it even if they don't get payed much. They wanna keep their fans happy........

Transformers 3 Starts Filming In July

The upcoming sequel is said to begin shooting on July 4th of this year in the streets of Chicago. It never seems to be anywhere like Scotland. Never Scotland. Anyway, "T3" will also be shooting scenes in six other big countries (no names yet) and will continue where "T2" left off.
The cast so far includes, Shia LeBeouf, Megan Fox, Tyrese Gibson, Josh Duhamel, Kevin Dunn, Julie White, Frances McDormand, John Malkovich and Ken Jeong.

"Transformers III" is due for release on July 1st 2011.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Awesome Fan-Made Poster For The First Avenger!

The Cool New International Toy Story 3 Poster!

The Official Sweet-Ass Jonah Hex Poster!

District 9 Sequel Is To Begin Shooting This October

"District 9" director, Neill Blomkamp has officially announced on April 23rd that pre-production on the sequel, titled, "District 10", has began and he hopes to begin filming in October of this year. Filming is planned to take place in parts South Africa and New Zealand.
It is said that "District 10" will work as a prequel to the first film, even though it's number is one up from 9.
There's no more news on who will star in this new film or even if any of the original cast will return seeing as it's a sequel. But more news will be put up on it as it comes in.

Who Should Be Poison To The Touch?

Me and my college buddies were sitting in the college library discussing who would be a great candidate to play the new "Poison Ivy" if she was to reappear on screen in the "Batman" franchise anytime soon.
So we went through all the sexy and curvy actresses that would fit the role perfectly. We went from Emma Stone to Anna Hathaway, Rachel McAdams to Rachel Weisz, and then narrowed it down to two.
1. Rose McGowan (Who does fit well, but not curvy enough. Look at her in the "Red Sonja" promo pic below!).2. Christina Hendricks (She's amazing and she deffo fits the role. She's curvy and a natural sexy red-head. Plus she has a sexy pale face that goes well, because Poison Ivy is quite pale looking, but sexy as well. So we all officially said yes for her).

Big Willie May Not Be Ready For MIB-3?

I hate having to say this, but now Will Smith has announced that he has not officially decided wether to do 3rd "Men In Black" for Sony or "The City That Sailed" for Fox. FUCK! 
Now last week we were all told that he'd chosen to put the black suit back on, but now it turns out that news was wrong, just like the weather report for today. 
At least the news about Tommy Lee Jones returning is true.........for now anyway!

Friday The 13th: Part 2 May Be Alive, But Just Not Right Now?

"Friday The 13th: 2009 Reboot" Producer, Brad Fuller, last week announced that the sequel to the reboot was....DEAD! Now it seems that he's officially announced that it is still very dead, but may get picked-up in the future or when Paramount decide to look back into it again.
Because this is a big franchise, the door is always open for many other sequels. So really they can go on and on with "Friday The 13th", but by doing it slowly and gradually. Like they could really start again in like a few years really. Or just start with a new sequel in like 5 years. Don't have to be right now or even next year. Just take you're time Paramount.
He also announced that he and Paramount are finally moving forward with the remake/reboot of the 1960's Hitchcock classic, "The Birds".
So after hearing this, it makes you know that the sequel is technically still in development, but just not for a release any time soon.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Dr Gordon Is Back For SAW VII: 3D!

Finally, we get to find out what the fuck ever happened to Dr Gordon from the first "SAW" film.
Now that's the only info that I've got on his character. The other good news is that I have the plot details for the film and here they are:
in this final installment, as a deadly battle rages over Jigsaw's brutal legacy, a small group of survivors from some of Jigsaw's games gather to get support and discuss what they went through. The man that helps them is also a fellow Jigsaw survivor, called Bobby Dagen, played by Sean Patrick Flanery. He himself also has dark secrets that will be the beginning of a new killing wave of horror..........

"SAW VII: 3D" is due for release on October 22nd 2010. The full cast includes Tobin Bell, Elwes, Costas Mandylor, Betsy Russell, Sean Patrick Flanery, Gina Holden, Chad Donella, Laurence Anthony, Dean Armstrong and Naomi Snieckus.

Robert Downey Jr Confirms That Work On Sherlock 2 Has Began And Filming Will Be Soon!

Even before the release of the first "Sherlock Holmes" film, there was already talk of a sequel, but when it was released, the talk of a sequel died down and now it's basic rumors that are left for the sequel. But now the star of the movie, Robert "Iron Man" Downey Jr, officially confirmed that he's back for the role and that he will be back in London this Autumn, where filming will start on the highly-anicipated sequel to the 2009 Guy Richie box-office smash hit. Downey Hr confirmed this whilst being interviewed by Jonathan Ross on friday night on his chat show, but Downey Jr was being interviewed via satalite in LA.
It's also been confirmed by the producers of the first and new film, that all the cast from the first one will return. Downey Jr (Obviously), Law and McAdams. Yes! No typecast. Thank God.....hate when that happens in films.
I'm really excited about the film, I loved the first one and I love the fact that the villain will be Professor Moriarty. Sweet! Now there were and still are rumors circulating saying that the Moriarty charcter is to be played by Brad Pitt. No one knows if that's true or false yet, well, not until Guy Richie or even Brad Pitt confirm it themselves.
Guy Richie started work on "Sherlock 2" on March 21st 2010, he's meant to be half-way through the script, so hears hoping that they get the film out for possibly Summer next year then.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

The V Leader Is A MILF!

So it turns out that, Anna, the V leader is a mum. She's a hot-ass MILF then. Hell Yeah! Her daughter is non other than the sexy blonde alien-girl, Lisa, played by Smallville's Supergirl, Laura Vandervoot. And now the sexy daughter his finally getting close to having sex with FBI Agent and V hater, Erica Evans's son, Tyler. And Erica is trying to track down what the hell the V's are doing. She tells Tyler not to go near the V, but he does and he becomes like a V collaborator just to basically get to bone with Lisa. So he really disobies his mum, c'mon, who the fuck wouldn't, Lisa's a babe. She'd give a dog a bone!This was a fucking hell of a shock when I found out about Lisa being Anna's daughter. But now you see the resembleness, hot-ass mum, hot-ass daughter. NICE! The only kick-in-the-balls thing is that Anna is basically getting her daughter to fall in love with Tyler, basically using him to make him like a full-on candidate for the V's. I'm really looking forward how the series get's on as it goes on. It's awesome and I would just love it to go on forever, but it will have to come to an end sometime, let's just hope not to soon.....

Blue Mountain State Is Hillarious!

After just two episodes, I can clearly say that "BMS: Blue Mountain State" is fricken awesome. It's basically "American Pie" in tv form and with american football in it. Only the thing is, is that there really is only one Jim Levenstein and the other two characters are the basic Stifler character.
It's crude. It's rude. It's funny. And it's sexy as hell, especially the college girls in it. WOW! If you like the "American Pie" franchise, then this is the show for you. This is probably the best show that MTV has on it's channel since "South Park".
The series is 13 episodes long and MTV is on ep-3. So far the show has been received well by critics and has been renewed for a series 2......wooohooo!
Now girls can watch it, but I don't think they will enjoy it as much as the boys will. So for all the guys out there, one bit of advice for yah........WATCH THIS SHOW! That's all am saying about it.

"Blue Mountain State" is on every Sunday night @ 10pm on MTV.
Here's the link to the American trailer:

The A-Team: New Trailer Is Awesome!

The new A-Team trailer (it's like trailer 3......think!) is feckin awesome and also very hillarious, especially the new BA, played by Quinton Jackson. More explosions. More comedy. More action. More guns. And more BA. Sweeeet! Here's the link.....enjoy:

Two 3D ALIEN Prequel Films Coming?

Director, Ridley Scott, has revealed that he has plans for not one "ALIEN" prequel.....but two. And they're gonna be in 3D. Sweeeeeeet! Sounds excellent. More "ALIEN" films the better. Evan if they're prequels to the original. The only details that I have on the plot is that the films will take place about 30 years before the first film and that the Ripley character will not appear in them, seeing as her character would've been born then. It's also confirmed that the lead-role will still be a woman, I think that we'll be seeing a kinda Kate Beckinsale type role like in the "Underworld" franchise. Lead female hunting creatures like the aliens. Pretty cool. Only she wont be a vampire. One more thing, the aliens are getting a major make-over.

"ALIEN: Prequel-Film 1" is due for release in late 2011/early 2012.

SCREAM 4 To Be First Of New Trilogy!

Screenwriter, Kevin Williamson has confirmed that he is deffo contracted to a "SCREAM 4, 5 & 6", but the deal for number 6 has not yet fully went through the contract yet. He did also confirm that Jamie Kennedy, who played Randy in "SCREAM & SCREAM 2" is not returning at all. He said it would be wrong to bring him back, because he died in the second film. You can't fake that. He's dead. He's said that the plot is basically all the surviving characters from the original trilogy returning to Woodboro and that the fiilm, eventhough there are plans for a 5 and 6, is a stand-alone film. It has it's own beginning, middle and end and so does the fifth and sixth films, if they get to make them. They really need to make this fourth film amazing for them to get a fifth and sixth film. It needs to be one of those comeback franchises that work, like "Die Hard", "Rambo" or even "Indiana Jones". They all worked. See the last "SCREAM" film was like 10 years ago. So it's been a while. The aim is to try and be better than the original trilogy. To try and get the youth of today get into the new trilogy and also get the original audience back into also.

"SCREAM 4" is due for release on April 15th 2011, with Neve Campbell, Courteney Cox and David Arquette starring in it.

"SCREAM 5" has also began development and will star the cast above.



Sweet-Ass Action Scene From Iron Man 2!

Here's the amazingly awesome "Suitcase Armor" scene with Iron Man fighting Mickey Rourke's Whiplash. En-fucking-joy everyone. I deffo did. Link:

The Green Hornet Is Pushed Back And Goes 3D!

Seth Rogen's "Green Hornet" release date has again been pushed back, now to January 14th 2011, because it's now gonna have some action scenes made in 3D. Sounds good, but the release date has been pushed back twice now and I feel that we'll never get to see this film.
Quite a lot of film this year and next are going 3D. Now I love 3D films, like "Avatar" and "Clash Of The Titans". But an action-comedy like, "The Green Hornet" being in 3D doen't really make me excited. It kinda makes me think that the film is not gonna be good. Because why now do they decide, "OH! Let's re-shoot some scene's in 3D." It's like they need the audience, just like, "Final Destination 4", 3D was pretty kick-ass, but the rest of the film was fucking shite. Now let's hope the same thing don't happen with this one.

Twilight's Kristen Stewart Is Wanted!

Twilight hottie is set for her big action movie debut as a young, ass-kicking assassin in, "Wanted 2", seeing as actress Angelina Jolie (who was set to reprise her role after dying in the first one) has decided now not to return for the second and pulled out when in production.
Stewart is being said to be filling in the role of the hot assassin in the film seeing as Jolie ain't in it anymore. So if Stewart gets the part then she will be joining James McAvoy, who is returning as Wes Gibson, the newbie assassin from the first film, who now looks like he's taking the lead in the second film.
"Wanted 2" is originally set to begin shooting in August, but the flick's yet to get the official greenlight, let alone have a start date. So it could be starting filming early next year.

Is The Sexy Vanessa Hudgens Gonna Be Spider-Woman In A Feature Film?

This is interesting in two parts. Part 1: it means that Marvel Studio's are considering a film adaption of the comic, that I really know nothing about, and part 2: means that they must be planning to into production very soon with it.
Now the casting has to be right and I think that if Vanessa Hudgens is going to be cast as Spider-Woman then that's not that bad actaully. She's sexy and she looks like she could actually do well it being a crime-fighter. Better than what Zac Efron would do if he was cast as the new Spider-Man, who has also expressed interest in the role of the man. Damn! I guess we would just have to get uset to it in the end. I would enjoy watching him as Spidey, only if he would do it right.
It's being said that Vanessa has expressed interest in the role and that a movie insider has stated that the idea for the film is to make it fun and comedic, so Vanessa Hugdens would be perfect for it. Doesn't sound that bad really when you think about it.

Black Widow Spin-Off?

Is Marvel Comics already planning to make a spin-off of, "Iron Man II" with Black Widow? Sounds like they are with all the news out there about it. Now actress, Scarlet Johansson is already signed on for the upcoming big Marvel Comic epic, "The Avengers" for the 2012 release. So she may star in her own spin-off before going off to "The Avengers" film.
There is no news yet wether she has says yes to the spin-0ff, but if she's said yes to return for "The Avengers", then am sure she'll say yes to her own spin-off film of the character, who she says that she's enjoyed every minute playing her..........I REST MY CASE!

Is This The New Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle?

Movie website, Latino Review recieved this image of a turtle mask with a orangy like coloured mask. Now this appears to be the kinda mask that would be used for a "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" film, right?
Now last April, MTV did announce the news that there is a new live-action ninja turtle film going into production soon, so this may be the first look of what the turtles are gonna look like.
It my opinion, it looks fricken awesome, way better than the original live-action masks. It looks more realistic, like what an actuall turtle would or should look like if it was kinda human like.
The idea is that the new film is gonna be a live-action CGI film, with the stuntmen/actors wearing the turtle suits and then when doing action sequences, it would change from real guys in suits to a face replacement with the CGI taking over from the live-action performers. Now this actually sounds pretty cool. I'm really looking forward to the new film.

"Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles....well number 5" is due for release sometime in 2011.

Monster's Inc Sequel! Wooooohooooooo!

Yeeeeeeeeees! Pixar has finally said yes to making the sequel to the smash-hit 2001 animated film, "Monster's Inc.". Thank God! I never thought that they would ever do it. They've probably decided to do it because the sequels that they've made so far have been awesome and even better than the first ones.
There's no news yet on wether the cast of the original will return, but they most likely will. Everyone's returned for, "Toy Story 3" and that's been like 10 years since the second film, so the cast have to return for the second Monster's Inc. Please!

"Monster's Inc." is due for release on November 16th 2012.

Ghost Rider Sequel Without Nick Cage?

Columbia Pictures is having to go ahead with "Ghost Rider II" with or without actor Nic Cage so that they can secure the rights of the Marvel Comic character.

Columbia are telling us that if Nic Cage don't commit to the project this year, then they may have to cast someone else as Ghost Rider instead. Which means whole new cast seeing as Eva Mendes is officially not returning. Might as well just reboot it then, because the studio did have plans to reboot with Nic Cage being kept as the rider, but it seems they just wanna make a straight sequel to the 2007 film. Columbia also added that if they don't go into production with this sequel by November 14th 2010, then they will legally loose the rights for the character. This means that it would then go to Marvel's new owner, Disney, who would then end up turning the dark franchise into something like a kids film. Happy family film. Noooooooooo!

So far Columbia have a their first draft of a script for the sequel, that was turned in by Writer David S Goyer, who is also writting, "Untitled Batman 3 Project" and "Superman 3.0 Reboot". WOW! Busy guy isn't he.

So the clock is ticking for Columbia Pictures to go ahead with Cage or not. Cage may not be able to do it as he may be starting filming on the recently announced, "National Treasure 3" with Disney.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

My Top 7 Favorite Regenerations In Doctor Who........

Here are my top 7 favorite regenerations from both The Doctor and The Master from Doctor Who: Past & Present Series. 
1. The 10th Doctor's Regeneration from "The End Of Time: Part II" (
2. The Master's Regeneration from "Revived-Series 3: Utopia"
3. The 10th Doctor's Half-Regeneration from "Revived-Series 4: The Stolen Earth"
4. The 9th Doctor's Regeneration from "Revived-Series 1: The Parting Of The Ways"
5. The 4th Doctor's Regeneration from "Original-Series 18: "Logopolis-Part 4"
6. The 5th Doctor's Regeneration from "Original-Series 21: "The Cave Of Androzani"
7. The 7th Doctor's Regeneration from "Doctor Who: The Tv Movie"

The City Of The Mini Cooper Daleks.......

The first episode of the new, "Doctor Who: The Adventure Games" is titled, "City Of The Daleks" and it's looking good. The picture above is amazing. It looks just like a promo image for a full-on live-action episode in the TV series.
The plot so far sounds good. It's about The Doctor and Amy landing the TARDIS in an alternative 1963 City of London (1963 was when the show first aired on TV, what are the odds) where they find that the new Daleks have taken over and basically destroyed all of it. The only living human left is sheltering in Charing Cross underground station. So The Doctor and his sexy companion must now repair the Dalek's continuum to prevent this invasion from ever happening. If they don't then the Doctor's new assistant will fade out of existence.
The only way to fix it is to go for a heck of a dangerous trip to Skaro, home of the Daleks. More to the fact that they have do go deep into the city to the core of the Daleks new empire, hence why the title is, "City Of The Daleks" not the fact that they've taking over the City of London.
Now the games manufacturer, Tweedale has said that it would've been good to see this episode in live-action form on TV, but it would be way too expensive because of all the CGI that would've been required for it. Trying to smash up Trafalgar Square for one! That would cost shit louds of money for CGI.
But hey, game form will just have to do. I'm really looking forward still to trying the games out when they get the official release on June 5th of this year.

Has Friday The 13th: Part 2 Been Cancelled?

News is spreading saying that the sequel to the 2009 horror remake, "Friday The 13th" has been cancelled. Shit! The film was originally due for a August 2010 release and was to be titled, "Friday The 13th: Part II-3D".
A few months back it was said to be put on hold and the release date was possibly being moved to 2011. But now news, well rumors till proven true are saying that Producer Brad Fuller has confirmed that the project is "dead". The film already had writers working on a script and had been since around December 2009/January 2010.
Now I really enjoyed the remake. Okay, it a typical horror remake and a typical "Friday The 13th" film but you still sometimes didn't know what was coming. I still really thought that it was "Shit-You're-Pants-Scary!"
The 2009 remake grossed in $1oo million dollars at the box-office, but did poorly with the critics.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The New Elm Street UK Motion Poster.....EPIC!

This is the official UK "A Nightmare On Elm Street: 2010" motion poster. It's so cool and scary once you see it in action.
Here's the link to the poster:

"A Nightmare On Elm Street: 2010" is due for release on May 7th.


Man, Will Smith is got a very fucking busy next few years. He's got "Independence Day II & III", the now deffo announced "Men In Black: 3-D" and now he's back and deffo doing the new "BAD BOYS III" as well. God! He's getting around big time. So many sequels. Am so happy that he's and Martin Lawrence have decided to star in this high-octane sequel.
Some people weren't really happy the way 2003's "BAD BOYS II" went, but I loved it. Let's hope that the new film is as good as the first and second films. So far director Michael Bay of the first two films is set ot return to direct it. Cool!
Michael Bay has had a meeting with Martin Lawrence, who's raring to go and Lawrence had a seperate meeting with Will Smith, who is also ready to go for it! Happy Days. Oh! And Lawrence revealed that he calls Will Smith.......BIG WILLIE! Damn boy.
That's the only info that I have on this, will keep you posted with new info as it comes into me.

"BAD BOYS III" is set for a 2012/2013 release date. Wish it was sooner, but hey, at least it's still coming out.

Smith & Jones Signed On For MIB 3D

That's right! Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones are definetly back for the third installment of the franchise, titled "Men In Black: 3D". The film is also gonna be in whopping 3-Dimension. Sweet! Now so far the plot is surpost to be about Will Smith's Agent J character gooing back through time to help the younger Agent K, rumored to be played by Josh Brolin. Now I think that he would play a great younger version of Tommy Lee Jones. The older Agent K is surpost to be taking care of trouble in the present day, that is also connected to the past trouble with his younger self. Sounds pretty cool. Also, actor Sasha Baron Cohen is up for a role in the film also, wether it's playing another agent or a villain.

"Men In Black: 3-D" is so far scheduled for a 2011/2012 release.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Josh Brolin's Face Is Really Fucked Up!

Josh Brolin looks cool as Jonah Hex. He looks just like the character from the comic book series. I'm looking forward to this film. Should be good. I'm glad that Megan Fox is in it, but she said that it's only a cameo. I don't think so, because she's on the poster and her name is credited second, so she must be in it for more than a cameo. Actor, John Malkovich also stars in it.

"Jonah Hex" is scheduled for release on the 18th June 2010. Don't know if that's the UK release date or if that's the US release date.

River Song Returns With The Weeping Angels This Saturday.......

So far so good for the new Doctor. Loving his personality. He's so amazing. Deffo different to Tennent's Doctor. But that's good. Anyway, had 3 great stories so far for the start of the new series. And now this Saturday we move onto episode 4: Time Of The Angels, and part 2, episode 5: Flesh And Stone, which both look excellent, much better than the first Weeping Angels story back when they were introduced in series 2 with the 1oth Doctor. Didn't really like the story for them, could've been better, so let's hope it is this time with a 2-parter story.
Not only is it the return of the Weeping Angels, it's also the return of the sexy mature woman, River Song! Yesssss! Played by the sexy, Alex Kingston. Now hopefully we'll finally find out who the feck she is to The Doctor. Wether she becomes his future companion in like a series 6 or even a series 7. Possibly with this Doctor or even with The 12th Doctor or even the final 13th Doctor (wont really be the final regeneration.....BBC will want more, 14th and possibly 15th Doctor). She may even be his wife.......DAMN!
So let's also hope that this 2-parter makes me jump. I like to jump in fear. Here's hoping. There is now info on the plot yet. But from the trailer, we get the picture that The Dcotor basically bumps into River Song and The Angels appear in some sort of a maze like thing. Don't know, but looks awesome though.
Can't wait for it to come on tv and will give a review on the sunday after the second part has finshed. Role on the angels and River Song........